If any of the following happens:

  • Editor shows “Hardware Disconnected”

  • Tweaking knobs on hardware doesn’t change anything in Editor

  • Tweaking knobs on Editor’s GUI doesn’t reflect the sound of the hardware

First, try the following:

  1. On the Editor’s Setup page, re-select the Sub 37 ports in the midi in and out fields.

  2. Make sure you can see the version numbers of both the firmware and editor on the Setup page. All Setup page fields should be automatically populated, and control in both ways should be established.

If this doesn’t work:

  1. Uninstall Sub 37 Windows drivers from Control Panel

  2. Manually delete the Sub 37 moog drivers from Windows/system32/drivers:



  1. Restart

  2. Connect the Sub 37 directly, not using any USB hub

  3. Reinstall firmware v1.2.0 using the automatic updater

  4. Reinstall Sub 37 Windows drivers (v2.23.0 for Windows 7, v3.30.0 for higher)

Sub 37 should appear under Device Manager’s root, having its own dedicated entry:

  1. Reinstall Editor v1.0

  2. On the Editor’s Setup page, re-select the Sub 37 ports in the midi in and out fields.

  3. Make sure you can see the version numbers of both the firmware and editor on the Setup page. Control in both ways should be now established.