Both the arpeggiator and sequencer on Moog One can be clocked independently or synced to the Master Clock. In sync mode they also have the option of following the Master Clock’s swing. 

Swing changes the timing relationship between the on-beat and the off-beat to achieve rhythmic variation.


To set either one to follow the swing, first press the appropriate MORE window button and make sure SYNC is set to ON using the soft knobs. You can then set FOLLOW SWING to ON. 

Note that this will have no effect if SYNC is set to OFF and you are using the arpeggiator or sequencer’s free-running clock.

Once you have the clock set to FOLLOW SWING, you can change how much the rhythm is varied by pressing the MORE button in the MASTER CLOCK section and adjusting the SWING AMOUNT using the soft knob. The total amount of swing available ranges from 25% to 75%. In the center position (50%), no swing is being applied to the beat.


Swing will be applied even if the Master Clock is being synced to an external clock source.