If you change patterns before saving your changes, the changes will be lost. To manually save the pattern press the (SHIFT) + RUN / STOP buttons simultaneously for about a second. One of the OCTAVE / LOCATION LEDs (1-8) will begin to blink rapidly indicating the location where the pattern will be saved. 

To save the pattern to this location, simply press the (SHIFT) + RUN / STOP buttons again. Otherwise, use the (KB) button or the (STEP) button to select a different pattern location. indicate the specified location.  Again, the blinking LED will indicate the specified location.  Press the (SHIFT) + RUN / STOP buttons to save your pattern to this location, or simply press the RUN / STOP button to exit without saving. 


NOTE: You can also hold (SHIFT) and press one of the eight corresponding pattern location buttons. 


To manually save the pattern to a location in a different bank (1-8), rst press and hold the (BANK) button while using the (KB) button or the (STEP) button to select a different bank. Release the (BANK) button and you can now use the (KB) button or the (STEP) button to select a pattern location within that bank. Press the (SHIFT) + RUN / STOP buttons to save your pattern to this location, or simply press the RUN / STOP button to exit without saving. 


NOTE: You can also hold (BANK) and press one of the eight corresponding bank location buttons. 


To complete the saving process press (SHIFT) + RUN / STOP.

To exit the saving process at any time, simply press RUN / STOP.