• A Computer with Internet Access

  • A USB-MIDI Cable or Recording Interface with MIDI I/O

  • A program for sending MIDI SysEx files from your computer; free options include Sysex Librarian for OS X or Bome SendSX for Windows.


You will need a 5-pin (DIN) MIDI output device for your computer. Connect MIDI Out from the computer to MIDI In on the Mother-32. Use a program for sending MIDI sysex files from your computer; free options include Sysex Librarian for OS X or Bome’s SendSX for Windows.

  1. Connect your Mother-32 to your computer using a USB to MIDI cable or via your recording interface.

  2. Download the newest Mother-32 Firmware from https://www.moogmusic.com/products/mother-32

  3. Open the downloaded .zip file.

  4. Open the folder: “Mother-32_Firmware_vX.X.X”.

  5. Copy these files from the folder to your SysEx application’s library:

    - Mother-32_ERASE_firmware.syx

    - Mother-32_Firmware_vX.X.X

  6. Send Mother-32_ERASE_firmware.syx from your SysEx application to your Mother-32 via your USB MIDI interface. Look for the Tempo LED to flash green/red; this means unit is now in boot loader mode. The old firmware still needs to be erased.

  7. Send Mother-32_ERASE_firmware.syx a second time – you should see 2 slow red blinks from the Tempo LED, then it will flash green on/off. The old firmware is now erased and the unit is ready for new firmware.

  8. Send new main firmware (Mother-32_Firmware_vX_X_X.syx). Observe the MIDI LED flashing red and the Tempo LED flashing yellow during transfer.

  9. On completion, the Tempo LED will flash green 2-3 times and the unit will perform the normal boot-up light show sequence, indicating the update finished successfully.

If you have any questions or trouble with your update please contact [email protected].