The rubber parts of my product have started to become sticky - what can I do?

It is perfectly normal, and indeed common for rubber to perish and degrade over time. When this process starts, users may find that the rubber elements of their product start to become sticky.

So why does this occur? Both natural and synthetic rubber materials start out as a very sticky substance. In order for the rubber to be used in products, the substance needs to go through a process called "vulcanisation". Once vulcanised, the rubber can be used in practical applications and products.

However, over time, the vulcanised rubber can start to revert back to it’s original state. The exact time it takes for this process to occur can depend on a myriad of conditions such as temperature, age, environment & UV exposure.

If you notice the rubber elements of your product start to become sticky, users can use isopropyl alcohol to help clean the residue from the product. 

When doing this, please consider the following:

  • Make sure the area you are working in is clean.
  • Place a cloth over the workspace where you will be working.
  • Have some spare cloths ready to remove any excess chemicals.
  • It's good practice to also wear gloves, and protective eye-ware in case of spillage.

Once setup, apply a small amount of Isopropyl Alcohol to the affected area and wipe away with a clean cloth. The intensity of how hard you need to clean the product will depend on how sticky the rubber has become. 

As Isopropyl alcohol evaporates quite quickly, you may need to re-apply several times. Repeat this process until clean. 

Please Note: Isopropyl Alcohol may also remove any paint/lettering from the silkscreen of the product. To avoid this, we would recommend using a cue-tip or smaller cloth to carefully avoid any areas of paint which you want to keep intact.

If the affected area is isolated to replaceable parts (Knobs or Pads etc), it may be quicker, cheaper and easier to replace the part in question. 

For more help and advice on this subject, please contact our support team HERE