If you are experiencing parameter control issues with a hardware component of your MIDI device, it is crucial that a MIDI monitor test be performed to determine the issue source and aid in troubleshooting your device. This guide serves to provide step-by-step instructions for doing so with MIDI-OX on your Windows device.


MIDI Monitor Test with MIDI-OX: Video Walkthrough

Capturing your Results

If you are performing a MIDI Monitor test at the request of a technical support specialist, please use the Windows Screenshot/Snipping tool to capture a segment of your results pertinent to the hardware control in question. To do so, key in Windows+Shift+S, then drag the square around the segment of your screen you'd like to capture. After that, you can save the image to a directory on your PC, or simply paste the image from your clipboard.

Interpreting your Results

If MIDI data is displayed in the monitor while running this test, it is indicative that your device is properly communicating with your computer via MIDI. If, despite this, your controller still is not functioning properly within your studio environment or DAW, the culprit is likely that software settings have been configured incorrectly or outside of its intended parameters, or were not configured correctly during initial setup. Check your DAW's MIDI settings to ensure that the device has been configured to the correct specifications. 

If you do not see incoming MIDI data while running this test, double check your configurations against the parameters specified in the tutorial video. If a correctly configured test yields these results, please contact your brand's support department for further assistance.