For general troubleshooting of the Claravox, we recommend the following steps in order:  

  1. Ensure tour Claravox is placed on a mic stand away from electronic devices that may interfere with the signal.

  2. The volume and pitch antennas are fully inserted into the chassis .

  3. Keep any cables or wires tucked away from the antennas.

Note: It may be worth setting the instrument up in another and power outlet to compare response. 

  1. Perform an Antenna calibration by using the guide found here. User CALBRATION DIRECTIONS 101620.pdf

    Here is a detailed video on calibrating the Claravox. 

  2. Reset all global settings via the editor (Settings>App>Restore Factory Presets) and (Settings>Global> Reset CV Out to Defaults, Reset CV In to Defaults) 

  3. Try a new firmware load through the editor (Settings>Information>Update Firmware) or the standalone Firmware Updater for Windows or Mac

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected]