This quick guide serves to cover the common errors and issues that can cause scripted tracks to fail to play back as expected in performance mode. Follow these steps to resolve issues of this nature:
1) Disable 'Override Scripted Tracks" in performance preferences:

2) Confirm the override controls in the Performance Mode UI are toggled OFF:

3) Confirm you have properly saved your autoscripts by opening your SoundSwitch project in Edit Mode and performing the following:
- Queue one of your scripted tracks to ensure the autoscript information is present.
- Save the lightshow using File>Save Lightshow
- Save the Project Information using File>Save Project
Please view the following guide for an in-depth look at how SoundSwitch's Save and Export functions work: Saving Projects and Light shows
4) Confirm you have properly exported/moved your scripted tracks to the drive that your DJ software is referencing for playback.
SoundSwitch autoscripts rely on the metadata that is written directly to the specific audio files that you autoscript. Please see the following tutorials for step-by-step instructions for Serato DJ, VDJ, and Engine Lighting:
For an in-depth look at the autoscripting process: AutoScripting Audio Files, Playlists and Crates
5) Confirm your settings as demonstrated in the following exhaustive troubleshooting guides:
- SoundSwitch & Serato Performance Mode Troubleshooting
- SoundSwitch & Virtual DJ Performance Mode Troubleshooting
- Engine Lighting Troubleshooting
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