If you are experiencing issues with the notes on your M-Audio Keystation Series keyboard detuning or bending in pitch without touching the pitch wheel, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve the issue:

First, check for any pitch bend automation within your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). Sometimes, unintentional automation can cause the pitch to bend without any physical manipulation of the pitch wheel. Make sure to review your project settings and automation lanes to ensure there are no unexpected pitch bend commands.

Using a MIDI Monitor can help you check for any erroneous MIDI data being sent from the pitch wheel. This can identify a potential hardware issue with the pitch wheel, if MIDI data is being sent without pressing or moving the pitch wheel. Below is a YouTube video containing information on how to use a MIDI Monitor, for both Mac and PC users:

If the pitch wheel is sending erroneous MIDI data, without being manipulated, this can also be caused by dust or debris around the pitch wheel assembly. Using compressed air (if available) to carefully clean around the pitch wheel can help remove any obstructions that may be causing the detuning or pitch bending.

If you have tried these troubleshooting steps and are still experiencing issues with the pitch on your M-Audio Keystation Series keyboard, we recommend reaching out to our customer support team for further assistance. Our knowledgeable support staff can provide additional guidance for the best next steps to resolve the problem. You can get in touch with the team here.