The Akai Pro MIDImix comes with a downloadable software editor, enabling users to edit the controller to best match their requirements. This is particularly helpful when the option to automatically assign a software parameter to a control is limited, for example a software that does not have a built in MIDI Learn function.

You can match the MIDI value that the MIDImix sends to the requirements of the software parameter. For example, if a VST uses CC value 74 to control a cutoff filter, you can change the desired encoder on the MIDImix to match this value, allowing control.

Each MIDImix control has two editable parameters: 

1. The MIDI CC message (CC) or note number (NT) it will send.

2. The MIDI channel it will use to send it (this is useful if using multiple MIDI devices, to separate the channel that the MIDImix communicates via).

The knobs, buttons, and faders can send MIDI CC messages (CC). The buttons can also send MIDI notes (NT). To change whether a button sends a MIDI CC message or MIDI note, simply click it. 

To edit a parameter for a control on your MIDImix: 

1. Click the value of that parameter under the control. 

2. Using your computer keyboard, delete the current value, and type the desired value. 

3. To confirm the change, press Enter. To cancel, press Esc. 

Once configured, you can save the configuration as a preset, and send it to the MIDImix.

To save the Preset, click the File menu and select Save. If this is the first time you are saving the Preset, select the desired location, enter a file name, and click Save. The Preset will be saved as a .midimix file. 

To save a Preset under a different name or to a different location, click the File menu and select Save As. After that, select the desired location, enter a file name, and click Save. The Preset will be saved as a .midimix file. 

To send a Preset to your connected MIDImix, click the File menu and select Send to Hardware. Sending a Preset will overwrite that Preset number on your MIDImix.


With the above steps, you can create customised MIDI presets for your MIDImix, to closer match your requirements. For any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact out support team HERE.