Downloading SoundSwitch

To unlock the potential of SoundSwitch and create captivating lighting displays for your performances, you need to download and install the software. Here's how:

Step 1: Create Your Account

Before you can dive into the world of SoundSwitch, you'll need to create an account. Follow this link to set up your account, and you'll be one step closer to enhancing your live shows with mesmerizing lighting effects.

Step 2: Download SoundSwitch

To get the latest version of SoundSwitch, you can use the following links based on your operating system:

- For Mac Users:

- For Windows Users:

To get the latest version of the Fixture Manager, you can use the following links based on your operating system:

- For Mac Users:

- For Windows Users:

Simply click on the link that corresponds to your operating system, and you'll be able to download the software..