Here is a list of SoundSwitch Edit Mode Hot Keys for both Mac and Windows platforms:

FunctionMac Key ComboWindows Key Combo
UndoMac: Command + ZWindows: Control + Z
RedoMac: Command + Alt + ZWindows: Control + Alt + Z
CopyMac: Command + CWindows: Control + C
PasteMac: Command + VWindows: Control + V
ClearMac: Command + DeleteWindows: Control + Backspace
SaveMac: Command + SWindows: Control + S
QuitMac: Command + QWindows: Alt + F4
Open PreferencesMac: Command + PWindows: Control + P
Create Master BlockMac: Command + LWindows: Control + L
Create Link BlockMac: Command + Shift + LWindows: Control + Shift + L
Add StrobeShift + SShift + S
Add ColorShift + CShift + C
Add Color TransitionShift + TShift + T
Add BeatgridShift + BShift + B
Unlock/Lock BeatgridShift + GShift + G
Toggle Beatgrid SnappingShift + LShift + L
QuantizeShift + QShift + Q
Create OverrideShift + OShift + O
Create Position OverrideShift + PShift + P
Add VenueShift + VShift + V
Add FixtureShift + FShift + F
Deleting Track InformationMac: Command + DeleteWindows: Control + Delete
Deleting Track Information + OverridesMac: Shift + Command + DeleteWindows: Shift + Control + Delete
Shift Selected NodesShift + Click & Drag MouseShift + Click & Drag Mouse
Play AudioSpacebarSpacebar
Zoom OutMac: Command + -Windows: Control + -
Zoom InMac: Command + (+)Windows: Control + (+)
Jump Forward 1/32 BeatgridRight ArrowRight Arrow
Jump Back 1/32 BeatgridLeft ArrowLeft Arrow
Jump Forward 1/4 BeatgridShift + Right ArrowShift + Right Arrow
Jump Back 1/4 BeatgridShift + Left ArrowShift + Left Arrow
Create Intensity Pulse (1-9, 0)1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,01,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0

For the trackpad gestures:

  • Select/Highlight: Press + One Finger Swipe
  • Set Play Marker: Double Click
  • Zoom In/Out: Pinch
  • Scroll View Horizontal: Two Finger Horizontal Swipe
  • Scroll View Vertical: Two Finger Vertical Swipe

These hotkeys and trackpad gestures are designed to make editing and creating lighting shows in SoundSwitch more efficient and user-friendly.