How to Fix Screen Resolution Issues: 

If you're experiencing screen resolution problems, you can try configuring GDI Scaling to resolve them. Each application can be individually adjusted to run with GDI Scaling, which can help improve the way it appears on your display. Here's how to do it:

 Configuring a Local App for Enhanced System Scaling: 

You can enable GDI Scaling for an application by using the application compatibility tab UI. Follow these steps:

1. Right-click on the application's icon and select "Properties."

2. Navigate to the "Compatibility" tab.

3. Enable the option that says "Override High DPI scaling behavior."

4. Set the Scaling Behavior to "System (Enhanced)."

5. Restart the application.

6. Test the application by moving it between different displays to see if the screen resolution has improved.

These steps should help you address screen resolution issues by configuring GDI Scaling for your applications. If you continue to experience problems, feel free to reach out for further assistance..