In this article, we will go over setting up your MPK Mini Mk3 in BandLab.

1.Connect your MPK Mini to your computer 

2. Press Program Select and Pad 6 (ChromaPads) on the MPK Mini 3.

3.Open Bandlab and select a new Instrument track.

4.Navigate to the bottom left of the page and select your MPK Mini 3 in the Midi Device drop down menu.

Now the Keys and Pads will be mapped to the Piano Roll in Bandlab!

**If you wish to have more control with the Pads and Q-Links, Navigate to the bottom right and select Midi Learn.

The mappable parameters will now be highlighted.  To map a parameter. simply select the parameter you wish to control in band lab and then press/turn the pad, key or knob on your MPK mini.

For more information on Midi Mapping in Band Lab, please see the link below.

Midi Mapping in BandLab