Engine DJ | Tidal Track Download Failed
Modified on: Mon, 3 Oct, 2022 at 1:53 PM
Some users have reported the uncommon error Track Download Failed. Please sign in to TIDAL to load this track while attempting to access tracks through TIDAL

To correct the error, simply log out of TIDAL and re-connect your account to your Engine device:
Select OK to close the prompt, then tap on the gear icon at the bottom left of your screen. This will bring up the TIDAL settings.
Select LOG OUT, and confirm by selecting YES when prompted.
From there, you will select Source > TIDAL and you will then be given a 5-digit code to activate your Engine DJ hardware again.
Use your mobile device or computer to open a web browser and visit https://link.tidal.com to enter the 5-digit code displayed on your Engine DJ hardware and click Continue. You may be prompted to log in before getting to the screen pictured below.
After logging back into your account, you should now have access to your TIDAL tracks on your Engine DJ hardware.

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