If you receive one of the following errors during the installation of BFD 3, please follow the steps below to resolve it.
- "BFD 3 is running and needs to be updated. Please close all BFD applications and DAWs and run this installer again."
- "BFD License Manager is running and needs to be updated. Please close all BFD applications and DAWs and run this installer again."
This error appears because both the License Manager and BFD need to be updated, which cannot be done if there are any instances open (including plugin instances within your DAW). Please close all instances of BFD, and BFD License Manager (BFDLM) and try again.
After you have downloaded the program,
- Check that BFD and any DAW's are closed.
- Click the Play button (outlined in red below),
- Once you have clicked the Play button, click the X (outlined in green below) to close the License Manager.
Sometimes even after closing all instances of BFD And BFDLM users may still receive this error message. This is most likely due to a process running in the background that the installer is incorrectly seeing as an open instance of BFD.
If this occurs, please shut your computer down and restart it, then run the License Manager (before running any other programs). As described above, click the Play button to begin the installation, and then close the License Manager and the update should install without a hitch.
If you have performed the steps above and still see this error message - Close the License Manager and resume installation: