Getting Started in Edit Mode

Before you dive into creating lighting displays with SoundSwitch, it's important to set up the basics correctly. Follow these steps to get started on the right track:

Music Library:

The Music Library in SoundSwitch serves as the hub for your audio files and playlists from iTunes, as well as your Crates/Playlists from your Serato DJ/VDJ 8 library. Here's how you can configure it:

1. Open the Preferences menu by clicking the cog button in the top right corner of the screen.

2. In the Preferences menu, select the music libraries you want to use, such as iTunes, Playlists, and Crates from your DJ software.

3. SoundSwitch automatically looks for these libraries in their default locations. If they aren't in the default locations, you can specify the correct path by clicking the "Set Path" button or entering the path directly.

4. Click "Done" to save your settings, and then verify that SoundSwitch's music library displays the information correctly in the main window.

Venue Tabs:

The next step involves creating Venue Tabs to help you organize lights and other DMX fixtures into groups. This is particularly useful if you perform at multiple venues or work with various lighting arrays. Here's how you can create a new Venue Tab:

1. Click the '+' button next to the default tab under the toolbar.

2. Name the new Venue Tab accordingly.

3. Optionally, you can rename the default venue by right-clicking on it and using the interface to change the name.

Adding Fixtures:

After creating and naming a new Venue Tab, adding lighting fixtures is straightforward. Here's what you need to do:

1. Click the plus icon in the top right corner of the screen to open the Fixture Library.

2. Find the make and model of the fixture you want to add.

3. Drag and drop the fixture into the workspace, which will create a new Fixture Track.

You'll also need to ensure that SoundSwitch can communicate with your fixture by inputting the fixture's DMX address into SoundSwitch. Follow these steps:

1. Double-click the fixture's menu tab on the right-hand side of the workspace.

2. SoundSwitch will open an interface where you can set the DMX address for your fixture, which can usually be found on the back of the fixture.

For more guidance on finding or configuring the DMX address for your fixture, refer to the DMX Address page.

Adding Audio Tracks:

With your venue and fixtures set up, you're now ready to select music to work with. Here's how you can add audio tracks:

1. Go to the Music Library.

2. Search for the track you want to use and double-click it to load it into the workspace.

Creative Tip: If you've created a Beatgrid in Serato DJ/VDJ, SoundSwitch will automatically import and display it for you.

For more detailed instructions and visual guidance, check out the video below to help you get started.