In this guide, we will walk you through the process of creating a fixture profile for a moving head lighting fixture that contains a color wheel. This profile will enable you to control the fixture effectively using DMX. We'll use the "Chauvet - Swarm 5 FX" as an example.


Step 1: Gather Fixture Information


Begin by obtaining the fixture's manual. You'll need it as a reference to create the fixture profile. Locate the section in the manual that provides the necessary DMX information for the fixture. Here's an example we'll be using, the "Chauvet - Swarm 5 FX."






Step 2: Create a New Fixture Entry


1. Open the software and navigate to the Menu Bar.
2. Click on "File" and select "New Fixture." This action will generate a new, empty entry in the Workspace, where you can build your fixture profile.




Step 3: Enter Manufacturer and Model


1. In the new entry, select the "Manufacturer" from the dropdown list. For our example, choose "Chauvet."
2. In the "Model" field, enter the complete model name of your fixture. In this instance, input "Swarm 5 FX."




Step 4: Add a Mode


1. Click on the "Add Mode" option. This step allows you to define a specific operating mode for your fixture.
2. Enter the number of channels associated with this mode. For our example, we're creating a profile for the 19-channel mode. Enter the value "19" in the designated field.

*Note: You can add multiple modes if your fixture supports them. Some fixtures may have various operating modes, each requiring a different number of channels. Refer to the fixture's manual for this information.*





Step 5: Create Necessary Cell


1. Choose the "Add Cell" option. This action generates the required control cell for the fixture.

*Note: Since this fixture only has a single control cell, you only need to create one cell for it.*




Step 6: Enter DMX Data


Refer to the fixture manual to identify features like the "Color Wheel," which we'll start by configuring.

Creating the Color Wheel:

1. Create a Color Wheel via the fixtures main page.

2. Consult the manual to confirm the Color Wheel holds 9 Colors, then input these into the Color Wheel section.
3. Assign Colors to the Wheel by selecting the Color Cell in the Color Row and adding the color. Include Range Start and Range End values for each Color.






Linking Color Wheel to Fixture Profile

1. Return to the fixture profile table.
2. Find the default Color Wheel Attribute and assign the channel value (e.g., channel 6) and the previously created Color Wheel in the "Wheel" Column.




Configuring Shutter/Strobe Channel

1. Review the fixture manual to understand the required settings for the "Shutter/Strobe" channel.
2. For instance, to set the Strobe, choose the appropriate channel (e.g., channel 4).
3. In the left workspace pane, select the Strobe Attribute to input individual values.
4. Use the "Add" option to create entries for "Shutter Closed," "Shutter Strobe," and "Shutter Open."
5. Double click the "Description" cell for each entry and input the corresponding Shutter setting and value.




Setting Dimmer Channel and Other Functions

When setting up your lighting fixture, you'll need to configure the Dimmer Channel and handle other special functions like Gobo, Prism, Focus, and more. Here's how to do it:


1. Configure the Dimmer Channel: This is essential for controlling the overall brightness of your fixture. You can usually find the Dimmer Channel information in your fixture's manual. Make sure to assign it correctly.


2. Set Other Special Functions as Attributes: For functions like Gobo, Prism, Focus, and others, you'll define them as attributes in SoundSwitch. Here's how:

- In SoundSwitch Fixture Manager, go to the Attribute Cue control.
- In the Attribute Column, use the dropdown selection to search for your desired Attribute Type. For example, if you're configuring a Gobo function, select "Gobo" from the dropdown.
- If your desired Attribute Type doesn't exist in the list (e.g., "Movement Macro"), select "Attribute" and then provide a descriptive name for that Attribute in the description field.

Note: It's crucial to use a descriptive name for Attributes, as the name you provide in the description field is what you'll see in SoundSwitch. This helps you easily identify and control the various functions of your lighting fixture during your performance.




Final Steps

1. Remove unnecessary Attributes from the profile or attributes with "0" in the "Num Channels" column.
2. Refer to the provided screenshot for a finished profile.




Step 7: Verify the Fixture and Save or Upload

After you've finished creating your fixture profile, you have two options: you can either save it locally on your computer or upload it to a public server for other SoundSwitch users to access.

Local Save:

1. When your fixture profile is complete, go to "Menu Bar > Fixtures > Check Fixture."

2. In the bottom left corner of the Fixture Manager Window, you'll see a message telling you whether the fixture passes a test to ensure it's correct.

3. If the fixture passes the test, you can save the profile to your own workspace.

4. To do this, go to "Menu Bar > File > Save Workspace."

Upload to Public Server:
1. Once the fixture profile is fully completed, go to "Menu Bar > Fixtures > Check Fixture."
2. In the bottom left corner of the Fixture Manager Window, you'll see an output confirming whether the fixture passes the integrity test.
3. Once the integrity check is successful, you can upload the profile to the Public Server for use.

4. When ready to upload to the Public Cloud navigate to ""Menu Bar > Fixtures > Transfer to Public Cloud"


By following these steps, you'll be able to create and validate a fixture profile effectively. Remember to consult the fixture manual for accurate DMX data input. If you encounter any issues, refer to our support documentation or contact our support team for assistance.

Access the complete Fixture Manager manual below:

Fixutre Manager Manual