Modern AIR titles purchased for Akai Pro MPC OS / Force hardware are available in your favourite choice of DAW as VST3, AU & AAX builds.  

This article provides steps and guidance on how to download & install your MPC / Force plugins for operation in your DAW for Windows or macOS. 


How to download & Install for Windows / macOS

To obtain these titles for your desktop machine...

 1) First download and install the inMusic Software Center

2) Once installed, open the application and click 'LET'S GO' to login to your inMusic Profile - If you've forgotten your password, click HERE

3) The default web browser for your computer will open automatically to login to your inMusic Profile - Enter your login credentials and hit 'SIGN IN'

Note: If your web browser isn't automatically launching, please make sure a default browser is specified within your Operating System settings

You will see this notification on your web browser to confirm successful sign-in to your account: 

Your inMusic Profile will be linked to your inMusic Software Center

4) Navigate back to the Software Center and download your choice of Instrument(s) / Effect(s)

5) Click 'Install' to run the installer and follow the steps on screen to continue the installation

Note: Some titles may specify which builds to install (AAX/VST/AU), be sure to install the versions suited to your setup.

6) Open your DAW and scan for new plugins 

Note, that these steps differ for each DAW - Be sure to review the manual for your DAW to help you scan for these plugins. 

7) Once successfully scanned/validated, your Plugin(s) are available to use - Happy music making! 

Check out the video below to help you get started:

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

I've launched my DAW but I can't see my plugins - What should I do?

We recommend scanning for new plugins in your DAW - Some DAWs may not prompt this feature upon start-up.

If you're not sure how to scan for plugins in your DAW, please refer to the manual/documentation appropriate to the software. 

The directory paths for Windows and Mac differ - Please see below the default plugin locations:

Note, AU is exclusively available only on macOS


VST: Macintosh HD / Library / Audio / Plugins / VST3

AU: Macintosh HD / Library / Audio / Plugins / Components

AAX: Macintosh HD / Library / Application Support / Avid / Audio / Plugins


VST: C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3

AAX: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins

I own 'Classic' AIR Titles - Can I use these on my MPC? 

Currently, classic AIR Titles cannot be installed or downloaded onto MPC or FORCE OS hardware

Click HERE to see which AIR Titles are compatible with MPC / Force Hardware 

Note, that some titles may be currently unavailable for Force users - Be sure to review the compatibility information on the product page to help you confirm whether or not the plugin is available for Force.

I need further assistance, how can I contact support?

If you require further assistance with your AIR Plugins, our friendly support team are happy to assist! 

To contact us please click HERE to submit a support ticket enquiry.